Fashion News

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Custom Leather Cuff Watches

These custom designer watches are amazing. If you can't find the exact style to suit you, Paradox Leather will custom make you the sickest watch ever (I should know, I own one!)! You can choose the face, the style, the color, hardware and custom decorations (stitching, carving, etc.) for your own one-of-a-kind watch direct from the United Kingdom. Paradox Leather has recently expanded their line to include leather cuff bracelets, chokers and even home decor (cool leather placemats & napkin rings). Watches range from £32.00 - £41.00 which works out to be roughly $61 - $79. These watches are a steal at double the price! Visit today! Tell them Vicious Style sent ya and perhaps they'll hook you up ;).

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